Ohio Program for Campus Safety & Mental Health

Campus Safety & Suicide Prevention Symposium

Please join the Ohio Program for Campus Safety and Mental Health for the 2024 Inaugural Campus Safety & Suicide Prevention Symposium: Cultivating Caring Campuses on Thursday, April 11, 2024! Registration has officially closed. Thank you to everyone who was able to join us! Your support and partnership is greatly appreciated. Recording of each session (other than the screening and discussion of The S Word) will be made available on the OPCSMH YouTube channel following the symposium.

Our mission at the OPCSMH is to serve as a resource center promoting a comprehensive approach to suicide prevention and mental health promotion at college campuses across the state of Ohio through collaboration with community stakeholders to prevent campus suicide and create a culture of care on Ohio campuses.

In line with our mission, this symposium will provide education on evidence-based, culturally relevant resources related to campus suicide prevention and mental health promotion through presentations from industry experts and creating and fostering a safe space for discussion of mental health and campus safety topics, including but not limited to mental health stigma, suicide risk, and substance misuse.


  • Identify how colleges and universities can collaborate with the campus-community to leverage the promotion of student safety & well-being, mental health awareness and campus suicide prevention efforts.
  • Identify outreach opportunities to engage student-focused programming that addresses stigma and barriers to accessing mental health care.
  • Provide best practices, resources, and help-seeking options that target suicide prevention for all campus-community student populations.

Symposium Speakers

Morning Keynote

Emerging Research and Perspectives to Engage Your Campus in Suicide Prevention and Promote Wellness

Marty Swanbrow Becker, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Psychological and Counseling Services in the Educational Psychology and Learning Systems Department, Florida State University

Afternoon Keynote

An Update from the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention:
Suicide Prevention on College Campuses

Corbin Standley, Ph.D., Director of Impact Communication and Continuous Improvement, American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

Recordings of all symposium sessions can be found on the OPCSMH YouTube Channel!

Click here to view a list of resources from the presenters and symposium attendees!


Directly following the symposium, the OPCSMH will host a free screening and discussion of The S Word, a powerful feature documentary that puts a human face on a topic that has long been stigmatized and buried with the lives it has claimed. The film gives a platform to those with lived experience – people who have attempted to take their own lives and survived to tell their stories. These are the voices that have been silenced for so long and their stories could save lives. Capturing personal revelations and surprising moments of humor, The S Word opens a door on this most taboo of subjects through the eyes of the people who have been there and are now committed to preventing others from getting to that edge. The discussion will be moderated by Lisa Klein, Director of The S Word.

The screening and discussion of The S Word will be from 2:15PM-3:45PM, and is open to students, staff, and faculty from all universities, as well as community organizations.


Campus stakeholders at institutions of higher education, higher education administrators, behavioral health departments, community members, campus security and law enforcement; students, educators, counselors, social workers, and others working within a higher education setting are encouraged to attend.


A map of Northeast Ohio medical University’s map can be found here. Attendees who are not currently employed at or enrolled as students at the university may park for free in one of the three visitor lots.

A list of local hotels, restaurants, and attractions is available here.

Payment options: Credit card or check.

Payment via check should be mailed to:

Northeast Ohio Medical University Foundation

4209 St. Rt. 44 | PO Box 95 | Rootstown, Ohio 44272

c/o Campus Safety & Suicide Prevention Symposium

Cancellation Policy: No refunds will be given for cancellations received on or after April 6, 2024, however, substitutes are welcome to attend. NEOMED reserves the right to cancel courses. Registrants will be notified at the earliest possible date in the event of a cancellation. Tuition fees for the courses canceled by NEOMED will be refunded; however, NEOMED will not be liable for any loss, damages, or other expenses that such cancellations may cause.


Department of Psychiatry
Phone: 330.325.6690

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Ohio Program for Campus Safety & mental Health

NEOMED Coordinating Center of Excellence

© 2024 Northeast Ohio Medical University | 4209 State Route 44, PO Box 95, Rootstown, Ohio 44272

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